Plovdiv DSLR 360 Bulgaria 24/49

The Stadium of Philippopolis was the ancient Roman stadium of Philippopolis (modern Plovdiv), built in the 2nd century AD, during the Roman imperial period. It is among the largest and best preserved buildings from the time of the Roman Empire in the Balkan peninsula. At the time the stadium was built, Philippopolis was the capital of the Roman province of Thracia. The stadium, approximately 250 m (820 ft) long and 50 m (160 ft) wide, could seat up to 30,000 spectators. Today, the northern curved part of the stadium (the sphendone) is partially restored and is one of the most recognisable landmarks of the city among the many preserved buildings from Roman times. Today, the stadium is located in the centre of Plovdiv, under the main pedestrian street. The northern end of the edifice can be observed at Dzhumayata Square. The larger portion still lies beneath the buildings along the main street, running south from the visible part where parts are visible in basements of several shops.

Source: Wikipedia


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Location of the Panorama